Asset Optimisation
The energy markets are experiencing rapid and fundamental changes due to shifts in traditional trade flows, political upheaval and a stronger regulatory framework. Against the background of this complex and volatile environment Smart Global can help interpret the current markets, changes to marker prices, and provide clarity around the value of your assets.
- crude oil and gas fields using equity optimisation concepts
- equity optimisation through Production Sharing Agreements (PSA's)
- access to storage facilities
- freight capacity optimisation
- refining or processing capacity optimisation
- pipeline optimisation
Smart Global aims to discover embedded options in your asset base in any of these areas and will present concepts to realise value from them. Using a combination of physical and paper contract trading, highly predictable structures can be put in place ensuring value is derived. The option can either be packaged and sold to a third party or monetised internally using delta hedging techniques.
Our optimisation recommendations are supported by a wealth of expertise developed by our team over many years at the forefront of oil and gas trading. We understand the value drivers in the market and the intricacies of the complex options available to manage and optimise your assets' real value.
Additionally, our focus is on providing concepts that meet very high assurance standards in terms of process and back office daily reporting. Further benefits can therefore be derived by your business from a control and procedural perspective. All of our projects are implemented following clearly defined project management techniques ensuring strong foundations are put in place prior to the commencement of any commercial activity.