Lee Vandermolen
Senior Associate - Trading
Lee started his career in the city on the London Metal exchange at age 17 as a clerk for the “ring” dealers. He progressed to becoming a silver commodity trader before switching to Japanese equities (1986). Lee progressed to the convertible bond and warrants trading desk as a junior then full trader of Convertible Eurobonds.
After the first gulf war Lee moved to trade oil futures on the IPE where he became both a broker and a trader for a number of Companies on the exchange floor. After managing and building teams on the exchange, he was invited onto the floor committee as well as serving on both the options and Gasoil committees. After the closure of the open outcry floor Lee managed a team of traders in a proprietary trading company and started to build automated algorithmic systems to employ alongside the traders. Lee works with Smart Global as a consultant helping deliver education and assessment services for both physical and derivative commodity trading sectors.
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